Service Project Application

Service Project Application

Service projects are a way for the Junior Service League of Brazosport and its members to partner with organizations to help make a difference in the community. These projects provide hands-on volunteer opportunities that result in an immediate impact in our community. The projects can be completed in a single day, a single weekend, a specified period of days/times or can be regular/recurring in nature. The League is looking for several opportunities each year and is especially interested in projects that would allow volunteers to work together in groups of three or more to complete the specified project. The Mission of Junior Service League of Brazosport is to train our members for effective participation in the community through a program of education and volunteer service.

To request volunteers please complete/submit the form below.

Please direct inquires or questions to:
Kelsey Beach
Service Projects Chair

    Organization Name (required)

    Organization Mailing Address (required)

    Organization Website

    Volunteer Coordinator

    (Include name of the organization's contact for this service project, phone number and email address)

    What is the purpose/mission of your organization?

    Describe the programs/services provided by your organization.

    Describe the project for which you are requesting volunteers from Junior Service League of Brazosport.

    What is the minimum number of volunteers needed for this project to move forward with Junior Service League of Brazosport participation?

    Will you accept family/friends, including children of Junior Service League of Brazosport as volunteers for this project?